Archive for the Health Category

Impossible Is Just A State Of Mind

Posted in Fitness, Health, Men, Motivation, Self Help, Sports, Success, Women with tags , , , , on February 1, 2011 by Chris Treece

I went to the gym earlier this evening and I noticed the resolution crowd is already starting to dwindle. Every year the first week of January has a huge draw of people. There are sign-up sheets to use some of the treadmills and stationary bikes. There is a sea of cars in the parking lot. It is louder and much more congested.

Of course people want to knock out their resolutions to be more healthy, lose weight and get in shape – the first week of January – and then move on to excuse making the rest of the year. Like clockwork, every year the same happens. What could be an annoying inconvenience with the large crowds of people chugging away on the equipment is decreased by the knowledge they will be gone in 3 weeks or less.

How about you? How are your resolutions going? Are you continuing down your chosen path? Or is your confidence fading? After two weeks doubt can start creeping into the thoughts. “The first week was great! But this week I don’t feel so good,” are normal. Like all great achievements, there is a weeding-out period. The weak must be separated from the strong. The “wheat from the chaff“.

So today I would like to appeal to your pride. Yes, step aside for a moment and let me talk to your ego.

Ok Mr. pride and Ms. ego, now that we’re alone, let me ask you!. What would it mean to you to be one of the few who makes it? What if the goal you have chosen is difficult, so difficult most people quit after two weeks, but you keep going? What does that say about you? Doesn’t that mean you are stronger than most?

And what about the negative thoughts that weed their way in? Can’t they motivate you even more? You could choose instead to welcome all the negative thoughts into your head. The more the merrier. Yes, let them all in as long as you do one simple task….show up and work your plan.

Look at it this way. You might think “this goal is impossible!” But if you simply show up and keep going, you will be doing the impossible. Again, what does that say about you? It might say you “chew up impossibilities and eat them for breakfast.” The negative challenges are part of the process – part of your life story.

What if there were no negative thoughts, no challenges? I’ll tell you…nobody will ever read your book! Nobody wants to read a book about how you climbed Mount Everest with the greatest of ease. “It wasn’t even cold” you say. “The air was fresh and clear..we even had a picnic on the top.” Makes for a boring story doesn’t it?

The challenges we inevitably face are part of our life stories. We can even learn to appreciate them as necessary to well-rounded success. We can record them in our journals, blogs, videos and tell them to our grandkids one day. So let the negativity come and make a note of it as you continue down your path. Your grandkids will thank you for it.

Bonded Family Founder and Expert Dan Snell on The Chris Treece Show

Posted in Blended Families, Bonded Families, Books, Business, Children, Divorce, Family, Fitness, Health, Men, Motivation, Self Help, Success, Women with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on January 24, 2011 by Chris Treece

Please Join The Chris Treece Show on January 25, 20011 at 12 PM EST as my guest will be Bonded Family Founder Dan Snell. Call in number is 347-633-9495.

Through joys and trials of their blended family experience, with no readily available Christian resources for blended families available at the time, they found themselves on their knees often in prayer… together seeking the Lord in times of tremendous praise and joy and yes the deep challenges and dynamics of step-family life. They were looking for help. To their amazement, they found that God began to lead them, guide them, and direct their paths…. His word began living in their lives. The Holy Spirit was at work. God showed them how to love and ‘bond’ to Him, and then through that ‘bond’, love each other and all their children. The experience was so incredible to Dan and Rebecca, that they made it their life goal to walk alongside others in their blended family experiences. Through the encouragement of Dr. Dan Erickson, nationally recognized speaker and author of ‘Finding Your Greater Yes’, and people like Dr. Ken Canfield, as well as family therapists, attorneys and even court system mediators, the vision for a faith-based message was born. God then went to work in Dan and Rebecca. They dove deep into the Word of God, seeking references and scripture to address the common challenges and dynamics of life. He led them to ‘take their mess and turn it into His message’. They have seen first hand that God could bind two people to Himself and as a result, bind their marriage together. Through that cord of three strands…they would not fail. Dan and Rebecca acknowledge and rejoice that God has allowed them to learn as much through their mistakes in stepfamily life, as they have from their victories and successes. Their goal is to see healing in families where their has been brokenness…so that the future, will not look like the past…and that the children, by understanding and watching who God was and what He can do in their lives…would be better equipped for their own marriages one day. Dan and Rebecca feel called to share with other families what God has shared with them. They want to change the face of blended families, divorce and brokenness for children, extending their vision to leave a legacy that echoes in eternity for millions of families. A LEGACY that says “Keep your eyes on God…not eyes on self”. GOD CAN take your step-family…”From Broken to Blended to BONDED.”

Health and Fitness Expert Lanelle Phillips on The Chris Treece Show

Posted in Business, Fitness, Health, Motivation, Self Help, Success, Women with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 15, 2010 by Chris Treece

Please Join The Chris Treece Show on September 16, 2010 at 11 am CST as my guest will be Health and Fitness Expert Lanelle Phillips. Call in number is 347-633-9495. 

Lanelle attended Mary Star of the Sea School in Freeport before transferring to junior high school in Colorado and then high school in Vermont. … After graduating from high school, Lanelle enrolled at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, where she took up International Studies with a Minor in Caribbean Studies. She later tra…nsferred to Framingham State University outside of Boston, Massachusetts, to study Marketing and Economics.

While in college, at the young age of 19, Lanelle took a part-time job as an administrator for a luxury auto brokerage. When a sales position became available, she convinced the President to let her try out for it, and four months later broke the company’s sales record. She decided to leave college in order to work for the brokerage full time.

Wanting to explore the excitement of a big city, in 1994 Lanelle moved to Chicago and managed a specialty shoe store for a year. She then joined NORDSTROMS department store, the largest seller of shoes in the United States, where she was soon promoted to sales manager and associate shoe buyer. In 1997, she accepted the position of regional sales and distribution manager for MF Cosmetics where she oversaw distribution, hiring and marketing for the line at stores such as Henry Bendels, Barneys NY, Saks Fith Avenue and Nordstroms throughout the Midwestern and Southern US.